Visiting Professor: Program RC-CCH Untuk Mengembangkan Ilmu Pengetahuan
In order to implement its commitment to develop cases and researches at the global perspective, Research Center and Case Clearing House (RC-CCH) held a program called Visiting Professor in 2012. This was a program in developing researches, sciences, and methods by inviting experts from Indonesia and abroad.
In early 2012, RC-CCH held the Visiting Professor program twice, by inviting David Gurteen, an expert of Knowledge Café and Professor Carmine Bianchi with his System Dynamics. These activities were held as an internal development program of PPM Manajemen, intended for professionals and special staffs of PPM Manajemen and students of PPM School of Management.
On 3 February 2012, David Gurteen from Coventry University, UK, presented a very interesing method called Knowledge Café. It is a discussion method aimed at developing knowledge of its participants on an issue by using an open and deep discussion approach towards the issue of duscussion.
The program entitled A Different Way to Deliver Knowledge Management took place in a very interesting way. The participants were given a theme concerning the use of discussion in daily activities. The new approach in Knowledge Management was introduced in an exciting way and the participants gained a new experience in the discussion process.
Later on 9 February 2012, RC-CCH presented Professor Carmine Bianchi from University of Palermo, Italy. He is one of officials in System Dynamic agency from Europe. The participants gained knowledge about Performance Management Using System Dynamics.
This Visiting Professor program received positive appreciation from the participants and would be continuously conducted by RC-CCH as its commitment in developing internal knowledge of PPM Manajemen.
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