Program Visiting Professor

Visiting Professor: RC-CCH Program to Develop Sciences

In order to implement its commitment to develop cases and researches at the global perspective, Research Center and Case Clearing House (RC-CCH) held a program called Visiting Professor in 2012. This was a program in developing researches, sciences, and methods by inviting experts from Indonesia and abroad.

In early 2012, RC-CCH held the Visiting Professor program twice, by inviting David Gurteen, an expert of Knowledge Café and Professor Carmine Bianchi with his System Dynamics. These activities were held as an internal development program of PPM Manajemen, intended for professionals and special staffs of PPM Manajemen and students of PPM School of Management.

On 3 February 2012, David Gurteen from Coventry University, UK, presented a very interesing method called Knowledge Café. It is a discussion method aimed at developing knowledge of its participants on an issue by using an open and deep discussion approach towards the issue of duscussion.

The program entitled A Different Way to Deliver Knowledge Management took place in a very interesting way. The participants were given a theme concerning the use of discussion in daily activities. The new approach in Knowledge Management was introduced in an exciting way and the participants gained a new experience in the discussion process.

Later on 9 February 2012, RC-CCH presented Professor Carmine Bianchi from University of Palermo, Italy. He is one of officials in System Dynamic agency from Europe. The participants gained knowledge about Performance Management Using System Dynamics.

This Visiting Professor program received positive appreciation from the participants and would be continuously conducted by RC-CCH as its commitment in developing internal knowledge of PPM Manajemen.

Strategy Optimization, transformation and renewal through organizational learning

Dr. Martijn Rademakers

25 November 2013



Organizational learning is one of key driver of sustainable strategic growth. Only organizations that are able to learn faster than their competitors will be leading in future. Dr. Rademakers gave some examples of organizations who are willing  to learn, such as Mars, Canon, Shell, Ducati, Kenya Airways, IKEA, CRH and Philips. Companies need to organize both smarter and faster organizational learning to stay aligned with a business environment that becomes more complex by day. Since the world becomes more complex, constant alignment with the environment is needed to stay competitive and this alignment requires learning. Forces driving complexity are gaining strength.

On going adaptation to a dynamic and complex business environment requires organizational learning, whilst learning opportunities for individual are important to attract, develop and retain talent. As a result, corporate learning is increasingly seen as the key to unlock answers to strategic challenge. Corporate learning involves creating, acquiring and deploying capabilities aimed to renew, implement and optimize strategy. Companies excelling in corporate learning have an edge over their competitors through superior adaptive capabilities and being attractive to top talent in the labor market. In tune, companies around the world are stepping up their investments in corporate learning. As a result, having corporate university is becoming the norm to excel, rather than the exception.

The concept or corporate learning is rooted in the body of knowledge on learning organizations, combining strategic management and human resource management. Fast learning deliberately attuned to strategic renewal, transformation and optimization is required to keep companies suited to their dynamic environment. A strategy means a balancing act between exploitation (optimizing the current business model) and exploration (renewal beyond the current business model). In balancing exploitation and exploration, leaders can lean over one side or the other.  The executive leadership style used to optimize the current organization, continuity requires stability and emphasis on planning and control. While entrepreneurial leadership style used to create the future organization, continuity requires renewal and emphasis on innovation.


The Global Obama: Leadership in The 21st Century

9 October 2013

Dr. Dinesh Sharma


Dinesh SharmaOn October 9th 2013, RC-CCH conducted The 4th series of Visiting Professor Program. Dr. Dinesh Sharma, author of Barrack Obama in Hawaii and Indonesia: The Making of Global president, shared some valuable knowledge about leadership of Barrack Obama. There are some points from his presentation:

  • As the multiracial, global president of a Western country, he is the harbinger of a new age.
  • Barrack Obama understand global trends and cultural differences well based on his unusual life trajectory, superior analytic intelligence, and long-term perspective.
  • He mostly pursue traditional American foreign policies in spite of his progressive rhetoric.
  • Discrepancies and tensions between Obama’s mostly progressive goals and his psychologically and pragmatically driven desire to be effective and to be liked by everyone, and reflected in many political compromises. These, in turn, have been disappointing to his liberal followers in the US and abroad.
  • Obama’s drone warfare and his endorsement of widespread spying, which has been partially contracted out to the rapidly evolving US cyber-industrial complex have avoked strong international criticism
  • Obama aims to adjust to China’s economic rise by focusing on special China-US relationship, and by triangulating India.
  • Obama has often been stifled by the Congress in his attempts to prepare US for the 21st century through strengthening America’s educational system and raising its level of technological training and innovation.
  • Obama remains somewhat of an outsider in Washington due to his unusual background, lack of guanxi (personalized networks of influence, favors and obligations), limited administrative-political experience, and introverted-guarded character.
  • In electing Obama, Americans made a leap of faith into the future – ‘Americans are essentially futuristic people.’

Here are the Strength and Weaknes of Obama’s leadership style:

1. Strength: Conciliator-in-chief, with great analytical and oratory skill and a long-term historical vision.

  • Relies on great oratory – for many he is a charismatic fugure.
  • Attempts to reconcile progressive vision with political realities and possibilities: a results oriented visionary.
  • Long-term strategic vision.
  • Excellent analytical skills
  • Problem oriented and willing to make difficult decisions
  • Possesses considerable emotional intelligence
  • Cool, collected, seemingly unflappable
  • Conciliatory and likable, yet also competitive.

2. Weaknesses: seen as sometimes disengaged and ‘leading from behind’; does not want to engage in ‘retail politics’

  • How some Chinese politicians view him: he lack administrative experience, capabilities, and guanxi. His oratorical skills are seen as less important.
  • Limited long-term political-personal connections in Washington (outsider)
  • Likes to lead “from behind” – not a leadership style liked by many Americans.
  • Too much of a loner (not a schmoozer nor a horse – trader like Lyndon Johnson)
  • Sometimes too conciliatory and too ready to compromise



Visiting Professor Series 3 2013

31 July 2013

Enhancing Diffusion of New Product Development in Asia Countries

Prof. John Norton, Ph.D.


There isn’t anything completely new stuff, there only different ways to doing things that we’ve done for a long time in a lot of different ways. Newer technologies are continually replacing older ones. Newer technologies are not adopted by all potential buyers immediately. Rather, a diffusion process is set into motion. The newer technology may widen the market by allowing application which was not feasible before. It will also provide an opportunity for buyers of earlier technologies to substitute the more recent technology for earlier ones. The substitution effects will ultimately diminish the potential of earlier technologies in the following ways:

      1. Customers who would otherwise have adopted the earlier device will, instead, adopt the later one.
      2. Customers who have already adopted the first device may switch from the earlier device in favor of the later one.

When the time interval between technologies is short, the earlier technology may continue to diffuse through a population of potential buyers even as the substitution process is under way. Therefore, the demand for an earlier technology may continue to grow even the substitution process occurs.

The speaker taught us about the Norton-Bass Model. The Norton-Bass (NB) model is often credited as the pioneering multigeneration diffusion model in marketing. The NB model assumes that each generation has its own market potential and market penetration process, and adopters of earlier generations can shift to newer generations.

The Norton-Bass Model




Visiting Professor 23 July 2013: Leading Across Culture


Different culture means different style. Culture strongly influences how one behaves and how one understands the behavior of others, and cultures vary in the behaviors they find proper and acceptable. Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols. We use symbol to communicate our value and culture.  Culture also constituting the distinctive achievement of human groups, including their embodiment in artifacts, the essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and especially their attached values, culture systems may, on one hand, be considered as product of action, on the other, as conditioning elements of future action. People from different culture learn different implicit theories. Culture define and decide what is worth and not worth. Cultural orientations of a a society influence the complex interaction of values, behavior and attitudes.

The leaders perspective in their value system of culture, they influence the organization culture and the national culture influence them. In order to understand the culture in organization that have may employee from different country, Dr. Geert Hofstede initially identified five cultural dimensions that served to distinguish one culture from another.

      1. Power distance, or the degree to which members of a national culture automatically accept a hierarchical or unequal distribution of power in organizations and the society.
      2. Uncertainty avoidance, or the degree to which members of a given national culture deal with the uncertainty and risk of everyday life and prefer to work with long-term acquaintances and friends rather than with strangers.
      3. Individualism-collectivsm, or the degree to which individuals in a given national culture perceive themselves as a separate from others and free from group pressure to conform.
      4. Masculinity, or the degree to which a national culture looks favorably on aggressive and materialistic behavior.
      5. Time orientation, or the degree to which members of a national culture will defer gratification to achieve long-term success(short term to long term).

Hofstede’s framework has significance since it allows a person systematic means for defining cultural variations to better explain and anticipates behavior of others in various countries. The cultural indicators allow a leader to have heuristics to guide their cross-cultural interaction. Specifically, leader/managers can use the indicators to develop a framework for decision making, negotiation and leadership.It remains important for leaders to both understand themselves (Self-awareness), their own culture, and the culture of their followers, such that they proactively create and manage the organization’s culture as they orchestrate the employees’ contributions to achieve the organization’s mission.



Visiting Professor 30 Januari 2013 Framework for Product Development SuccessVisiting Profesor-3001-email

Success of a new product remains an important challenge for any company. Many companies realize that the main role of their products is to bring prosperity to them. Companies continuously seek ways to revitalize, restructure, and redesign the process and practices of new product development for better results.

15 key factors for the success in developing a new product:

      1. Unique and superior product.
      2. Strong market oriented.
      3. “Look to the world”
      4. Many pre-develoment works
      5. Clear project definition
      6. Solid Marketing plan.
      7. Top management support
      8. Improving core competencies
      9. Market Pull  (observing demand for the product).
      10. Good organizational structure and climate.
      11. Dare to make difficult decisions.
      12. Quality project implementation
      13. All resources in the right positions and roles.
      14. Velocity – by maintaining qualities
      15. Discipline in each of development process stages.

The model used for New Product Development (NPD) management is as follow:


 1. Doing the right NPD

      • It means that a company should select an appropriate NPD. The good process during the product development will be useless if the product being developed is not suitable with the company’s ability or not suitable with the target market.
      • NPD strategies are clearly defined and implemented comprehensively in the company’s strategies.
      • The criteria for project selection are well defined.
      • Portfolio Management Practices are well developed.

 2. Doing NPD Right

      • Developing a new product appropriately means having appropriate process and practices in maximizing the possibility of the product to be successful by paying attention to:

–          Time appropriateness

–          In budget

–          Manufacturability

–          Suitability with market expectation.

      • Appropriate process and practices for developing new products – not only relying on guidance from consultants.

3. Measuring Performance

How efficient and effective the expenditure spent to develop a new product can be measured using NPD metric.

Usage of such metric enables a company to measure impacts of process improvement from time to time. The metric can play an important role in helping a company to improve their efforts to develop a new product. NPD metric is important for the following reasons:

      1. The metric documents the values of  new product development, which are useful in justifying investment for a long term.
      2. A good metric enables executive and operational officers to effectively evaluate people, objectives, programs, and projects for resource allocation .
      3. The metric influences behaviours. An appropriate metric will harmonize the company’s objectives with those of their employees, while a wrong metric will result in contraproductive decisions and reactions that always avoid risks.

Stages in developing a product are as follows:

1. New-product strategy

Before starting a new product development program, a company should determine the objectives and set new product strategies. The objective of this stage is to provide a guidance for a new-product development efforts.

2. Idea Generation

Main objective of this stage is to create different ideas, so that the company can select the most feasible and promising idea.

3. Screening and Business Analysis

At the screening stage, an initial analysis is carried out  using NPS (New product strategy),  resources owned, and competition arena for the new product.  Meanwhile, in business analysis stage, existing ideas are evaluated using quantitative performance criteria

4. Development

The development stage consists of prototype development activities at the market test stage. Interactions between program manager and project manager are about how to market the product on time, in accordance with the predetermined budget and required specifications.

5. Testing

The objectives of this stage is to provide final validation and total outputs of the new product development project that consist of commercial continuity of the product, the production, and the marketing. It should be noted that product testing is done not only at this stage but also when all NPD processes take place.

6. Product launching

After all stages are satisfactorily passed, the product will be ready to be launched to the market.




Visiting Prof - Tactical Management (final)

Visiting Professor 12 November 2012 Tactical Management: Crisis Controling System

Some points obtained through this program:

        1. Decision making consists of four strata in a pyramid.  The peak includes Directive, Strategic, Tactical, and Operational.
        2. Tactical, in this case tactical management, is a two-way bridge that connects strategic directions and operational actions, in which the tactical management fills the gap between strategic research methodology and operational techniques. Tactical management is a part of system control tha is integral to the management itself. Tactical management tries to observe/manage sudden or unexpected changes or things that cause abnormal situation.
        3. Tactical Management is a decision making support system (DSS) for middle managers in interpreting commands from top managers and at the same time channeling feedbacks from tactical managers. In Chowdhuri’s concept (2011), tactical management is a framework in which strategic and operational decision makings are complementary to each other in terms of:
          • Transformation: Changes in nature and form of cooperation due to inverventions.
          • Engagement: used to understand how various related parties are involved in interventions.
          • Unintended Consequences are results of events that occur or result from both intended or unintended interventions.
        4. Tactical management is a usage of tactics in implementing strategies.  Tactical management enables manager to select appropriate tactics to achieve the best objectives. Tactical management means human ability to adapt to or avoid chaos. Turbulance becoming chaotic will in turn change into a disaster.
        5. Tactical management in a normal situation is summarized in Change Management and Business Process Matrix. Meanwhile, if the company is in a turbulance situation, then new concepts will be used, namely monitor & education, and system knowledge.  In Tactical management, the most important thing is how to face chaotic conditions, which is summarized in chaos theory, crisis theory, and management protocol. Management protocol is required by the company to survive the chaotic situations.
        6. Turbulence  – Chaos – Disaster. In chaos theory there is a modeling concept, which is called snowflakes model. In this modeling concept, the snowfalls look beautiful but irregular due to various sizes of its parts. When the snow is observed thoroughly, however, we will find crystals in it. The crystals in the snow have a very regular pattern. The meaning of snowflakes model in chaotic management is that when in a chaotic situation, we have to find a regular model construction. When the regular model has been found, tactics to be used are explored. Irregularity can be regulated since basically this chaotic world has a regularity.
        7. Chaos theory developes the ability of middle managers to face abnormalities that happen in a company. Adjustments made by middle managers in facing these abnormalities are concepts of abnormalities handling.
        8. Three raw materials for chaotic system to happen:
          • Unpredictability: unable to predict
          • Indecomposability:. unable to decompose the complexities
          • An element of regularity: how an element can function regularly.
        9. Conclusion: we live in a highly unpredictable world, in which there is a high instability. We can handle this unpredictability by changing our mindset. Crisis management is about changing mindset.





Research Center and Case Clearing House (RC-CCH) kembali menggelar program visiting professor dengan judul “Whole Brain Thinking, Learning, and Behavior Seminar”. Professor yang akan berbagi ilmunya kali ini adalah Professor Dr. Peter Shephard dari Columbia Pacific University. Beliau adalah penulis buku Brain Management dengan judul Personality Metter:  Whole Brain A

pproach, To Why We Think, We Learn, and Behave.

Dalam seminar Ini akan menjelaskan gambaran mengenai bagaimana pelaku manajemen dan bisnis bisa mengetahui kemampuan otak mereka dipadukan dengan kemampuan manajemen untuk mencapai tujuan yang diharapkan.

Acara yang diperuntukkan untuk internal PPM ini akan diadakan pada Senin, 14 Mei 2012 bertempat di gedung B PPM Manajemen. Dalam acara ini akan diadakan Brain Games dan akan ada acara tanda tangan buku oleh Professor Shephard. Peserta dibatasi hanya 40 orang ini tidak dipungut biaya alias gratis untuk staf pr

ofessional dan staf pendukung PPM Manajemen serta untuk mahasiswa program Master (WM/MM) Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Program Visiting Professor yang diselenggarakan Senin, 29 Oktober 2012 di ruang 242 Gedung A PPM Manajemen dan menghadirkan Dr. Wolfgang Looss dan Dr. Thomas Reiger, keduanya merupakan praktisi dalam bidang Organization Development.  Saat ini Dr. Looss adalah CEO dari “Lanzenberger, Dr. Looss, Stadelman”, sebuah perusahaan konsultasi Manajemen sekaligus perusahaan penerbitan di Jerman. Sedangkan Dr. Thomas Rieger merupakan co-owner dari COMO GmbH, Perusahan konsultan Jerman yang berspesialiasi di bidang Organizational Development danSumber Daya Manusia. Pada kunjungannya ke Indonesia kali ini, kedua nara sumber ini mengangkat tema “Power for Change” in Organizational Development.

Change is a mess and too much change, destroy too much”. Begitulah slogan yang digunakan Dr. Wolfgang. Seberapapun kacaunya, change (perubahan) itu tetap terjadi. Pada situasi perubahan seperti itu, sumber daya manusia menjadi lebih penting dan pemimpin yang visioner jauh lebih penting lagi. Mengapa kemudian ada istilah “power”? Power diartikan sebagai kapasitas seseorang untuk mempengaruhi orang lain. Pemimpin yang memiliki power for change berarti pemimpin tersebut harus dapat memberikan rasa aman kepada orang lain ditengah-tengah kegelisahan yang terjadi karena adanya kekacauan karena perubahan. Pemimpin perubahan juga mampu mengajak orang lain untuk bergerak maju dengan tidak mementingkan diri sendiri. Seorang pemimpin harus dapat memotivasi pengikutnya dengan memberikan mereka ruang untuk mengeksplorasi solusi yang inovatif dan memberikan ruang terhadap kesalahan. Pemimpin perubahan juga harus dapat menyatukan aktor-aktor penting dalam organisasi tanpa harus terlibat dalam politik organisasi. Di atas semua itu, pemimpin perubahan harus dapat menahan diri untuk menggunakan perubahan tersebut sebagai panggung perayaan kekuasaan mereka.

Hal-hal tersebut yang dibagikan oleh kedua nara sumber dalam pemaparannya di depan para peserta program ini. Para peserta pada program kali ini datang dari dua institusi, yaitu PPM Manajemen dan Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN), yang bekerja sama sehingga acara ini dapat berlangsung dengan baik.