The 5th PPM Regional Business Case Competition
PPM Regional Business Case Competition (RBCC) is an annual competition event organized by Research Center and Case Clearing House (RC-CCH) PPM School of Management. This is the fifth year for the RBCC that this time the theme “BCA’s Employer Branding: The Challenge Ahead”. The participants challenged to solve a case of PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk. (BCA)
The participants consisting of Graduate degree (S2) students from South East – Asia and China presented innovative and strategic ideas that can make a company more superior than its competitors. This activity was participated by 67 teams, proving that this competition is highly attractive to relevant students. Among 67 teams registering and presenting analyses/researches on the case provided, only 12 teams became finalists and competed in the final session (debate and question & answer sessions) to be the winners, which was held on 4 November 2014 at Menara BCA Grand Indonesia Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 1 Jakarta Pusat.
In the final round, the finalists were tested for their case analyses, case originality levels, and certainly connection between their cases and theories. Other aspects calculated were teamwork, team ability to provide answer or explanation to other teams or the jury (in Debate and Question-and-Answer sessions).
The result of final assessment determined the winners as follow:
1st Winner: Institut Teknologi Bandung
2nd Winner: University of the Philippines Baguio
3rd Winner: Fudan Univerisity China
4th Winner: PPM School of Management
The winners received cash prizes, for the first winner 1.800 USD; the second winner 1.300 USD; the third winner 800 USD, the fourth winner 600 USD.
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